3DMD Dynamic Material Deposition
New dimensions in Directed Energy Deposition

3DMD: fast, precise and flexible.
Ponticon entwickelt und vertreibt Maschinen und Dienstleistungen für die laserbasierte Additive Fertigung und Beschichtung metallischer Bauteile. Unser modular konfigurierbares 3DMD-Technologiepaket ermöglicht hierbei durch Nutzung des Highspeed-Laserauftragschweißens einzigartige Produktivität, Präzision und Materialvielfalt.
Das 3DMD-Technologiepaket ist aufgrund seiner Modularität sowohl in unsere Standard-Maschinen als auch kundenindividuell gestaltete Systeme integrierbar.
Sensorik, Dienstleistungen und Software runden unser Portfolio ab und sind als integraler Bestandteil unseres 3DMD-Technologiepakets ein wichtiger Baustein zur nachhaltigen Industrialisierung des Laserauftragschweißens.
Coating rates up to 1,000 cm²/min
Build-up rates up to 600 cm³/min
Filigree 3D structures with wall thicknesses down to 500 µm and roughness depths of approx. 10 µm
Virtually unlimited combinations of alloys and elements
Ponticon GmbH
About us

The 3DMD process is used for the coating and additive manufacturing of highly stressed, metallic components.

With tailored solutions, Ponticon sets new standards regarding productivity, precision and material flexibility in AM and coating applications.

Application development
With an experienced application team, we develop individual solutions for your manufacturing task.

Innovative mechanical engineering "Made in Germany" meets process know-how and 100% customer orientation.
Ponticon references
Users of 3DMD technology

"With the pE3D system from ponticon, we are able to use the Extreme High Speed Laser Cladding EHLA process developed and patented at the Fraunhofer ILT for coating, repair and additive manufacturing of three-dimensional components for the first time."
Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology ILT, Aachen, Head of Business Unit LMD

"Agile, digital materials research is the basis for innovations in countless industries. Ponticon's 3DMD technology and pE3D system will help us to significantly advance and shape the topic of Rapid Alloy Development (RAD) in the future."
RWTH Aachen University Digital Additive Production DAP, Head of Institute

"We consider 3DMD to be an ideal process for the Application Center for Additive Manufacturing at the TU Kaiserslautern. Together with ponticon, we enable regional SMEs to access a highly innovative manufacturing technology that ultimately serves to create unique selling points in global markets."
TU Kaiserslautern Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Production Systems, Head of Institute

"The Ponticon system, which is coupled to a machining center via two industrial robots, is used in our circular factory as an inspection and remanufacturing cell for reconditioning used components. In order to make the best possible use of the flexibility of the system, it is equipped with comprehensive process sensor technology."
wbk Institute of Production Science at KIT, Director Manufacturing and Materials Technology
Any questions?
Contact us
We are pleased to answer your questions about possible applications and our products. We are looking forward to receiving your inquiry!
Alte Schmelze 20, 65201 Wiesbaden
Tel: +49 6136 91745010
Email: info@ponticon.de